Sunday, August 19, 2007

A day in our lives!

Every morning I wake up and get out of bed, head towards the closet and prepare for my day. Whether that means heading out to an office somewhere, sitting down in front of my computer, or may be just having breakfast with the family on my day off. We all do this day after day after day.

As I am driving to work, waiting for the computer to boot, or taking a shower, my mind is a million miles away. I am thinking about all that has to get done that day in order for me to have ‘done my job’. I read this somewhere, that in any given day a human mind has 8 million and 4000 thoughts.

I reach work, the security guard at work smiles and waves good morning. I open my email and mixed in with all the business emails is one from a friend just telling me to smile and have a good day. The day passes, I get busy with my work and appointments.

It’s the end of the day. I come back from work and I am exhausted. I realize that my list of things to do got longer instead of shorter. I sit and wonder why life has to be so hectic all the time.

I sit at the dinner table with the family and talk about the events of the day and all that is happening in my life. I nod and smile but my mind is on all the things that I still need to do. I collapse into bed, thinking about the project and appointments that have to be completed by tomorrow. I let my mind ponder on these things for a while and then I dose off and let my mind slip into la la land.

I arise again the next morning, my mind already in overdrive trying to figure out the best way to ‘attack’ the day. This is what we do. This is our life. Day after day!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Deeply disturbed!

They say that time plays a very important role in our lives. It can heal wounds with the snap of a finger. Just that a day includes 24 hours, an hour includes 60 minutes and a minute includes 60 seconds.

Time flies by and I simply wait with baited breath to see what life has in store for me. I am lost and confused. I want to run away from my life. I don't like it here anymore. I don't understand what's happening to me. I feel twisted in the head. My mind races through thoughts all the time. I can't sleep. My head wants to explode. I hate the way life feels right now.

I stood there in the office cafeteria this afternoon. I watched the people around me, as they all walked past me. I watched them as they were sitting and chatting with their friends and peers. I saw them and thought to myself...they too must have problems, we all do! What is it that brings a smile on their face and what is it that stops it from bringing a smile on mine. I thought, only if I were able to live someone else's life to see if they share the same pain that I do or even worse so that I could come back and probably not feel so terrible about my life.

Days turn into nights and nights into mornings and I wait...I wait for the sleep fairy to bestow her kindness upon me. I pop in a pill or two night after night so that the the sleep fairy would see my wrath and help me get out of it. The sleep fairy comes and goes and I lay around in my bed like a lifeless soul. No reading, no watching tv, no meditating can give my soul that peace and serenity that it requires at this point in time. I beg for your kindness to come and help me out. For only this once, like a little child would have said...