Who's there?
Madam who?
Madam foot is caught in the door.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Police who?
Police let us in, it's cold outside.
The Wikipedia definition of Knock knock jokes is - a type of joke which is simply pun intended and time honored. It's like a role-play between two people where in one person knocks on the door saying, "Kncok knock!"and the other is supposed to answer it saying - "Who's there?" . It's typically a five liner joke with a standard format. Knock knock jokes are silly and whacky. Every kid probably goes through a stage of telling knock knock jokes in his life. It's all good humor. A few months ago while I was watching TV I happened to stumble upon an edition of Mad TV on Zee cafe, cracking up with knock knock jokes. It it took me down memory lane. Instantly, I googled knock knock jokes and then there I was, reading so many of them and I couldn't stop laughing. They are adorable! Reading them just threw me back in time. It was so much fun and later that evening I started playing all these role plays with my friends and it was awesome. Silly yet awesome! It's good to be silly sometimes. You don't always have to act all mature, it's good to loosen up sometimes.
If you're interested in some knock knock jokes, I recommend that you go to this website. There are some 100 pages and a wide variety of the 'Knock knock' jokes. They are dumb, they are funny, a little silly, some whacky and the others stupid and annoying. But hey, it's good to lighten up in life sometimes.
All in the name of good pun!
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